To start, select ‘Landlord’ from the navigation menu on the left hand side of your screen and then ‘Create’
You will now see the below form appear
Enter the Landlord’s details including name, email address, phone number and the default pet deposit if the have one. Once completed use the "next" button to move to the address form.
Enter the personal address for the Landlord either by typing in the details or by entering the post code and selecting the ‘Find my address’ button
Once all details are entered select the green ‘Save Landlord’ button
Your first Landlord has now been created and is ready to be associated with a property. If you have more landlords we would advise you to repeat the above steps to create these as well so they are ready for when you add the properties.
Edit a Landlord
In the above example there are only 2 landlords but you can have as many as you like. To view more landlords in this list you can change how they are viewed by changing the entries shown option (top left)
You can also wish to search for a landlord by using the search box (top right) simply start typing the first name, surname, email address or telephone number and the list will be filtered to show the matching results of your query.
To edit a landlord select the blue ‘Manage’ button next to their name. This will display the landlord details page.
On this page you can see how many properties are assigned to them, their personal address and other details. To change these details you can select the blue ‘Modify’ button to the right hand side.