OnBoard Pro comes with an Assured Shorthold Tenancy (Agreement) agreement that has been checked and verified by a top 100 law firm but you can also upload your own documents as we’ll explain in this chapter.

Create an Agreement

To create your own Agreement you can select ‘Agreements’ and then ‘Create’ from the sidebar.

Throughout this section we’ll refer to ‘Tags’. Tags are used to identify pieces of information that will populate your completed documents; you can think of them as a placeholder. For example, if you enter a tag labelled ‘Landlord Name’, the system will fill in the chosen Landlord’s name during the application.

OnBoard Pro uses a service called Docusign to take electronic signatures during an application. Using electronic signatures helps to make the process quicker and more flexible. You can find out more about electronic signatures here: https://www.docusign.co.uk/how-it-works/electronic-signature The mandatory tags we include are the ones which are mandated by docusign. They make sure that every contributor to the Agreement has signed the document.

Above the edit window you may enter the document name, make this as clear as possible e.g. Agreement Managed Property. 

The main editor window is under the document title. This is where you can enter the main body of text for the document.

To the right hand side of the editor window you can see the tags available, to the top is the mandatory tags in red. These are the mandatory tags that every Agreement needs to have. You can enter tags for up to four tenants; if there are less than four during a live application, the system will just ignore the unused tags. In blue are the optional tags, these are extra tags that you may want to include in your Agreement, arranged in groups to make them easier to find.

If you already have an Agreement in a Word document you may want to copy and paste this rather than type it out again. To do so you can use the ‘Paste from Word’ function 

Once you have created an Agreement select ‘Save’. Now you can preview your new document by selecting the ‘Preview’ button. This will download a .PDF of the Agreement with some sample data. If there are any errors just go back to the editor and modify the document, then click ‘save’ again.